Monday, February 1, 2016

We are...

Why do us women who have been abused see so little in ourselves? We give up  way to quickly with such little fight... we seldom see the worth we have in us as daughters of God.
For me... I know that we are created in Gods image, I know I am a daughter of God. I know Heavenly Father loves his children and sent His Son Jesus Christ to atone for sins so that we may overcome the battles we face and return to Him, wiped clean of the filth we build upon ourselves on earth.
Knowing all this... I still struggle to see my worth. And I have come to learn through therapy that its because I don't forgive myself. I know Heavenly Father forgives me thru Christ, but I don't forgive me.
How do we forgive ourselves? I don't know the answer quite yet. When I learn the answer I will share.
But I want all to know that Heavenly Father loves us. He created a way for us to return to Him, and we need to accept this. We must learn how to forgive ourselves and He does us.
I'd like to share my testimony...
I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true. I know we are the children of God and I know that Jesus Christ was sent to earth to atone for us, so that we can return to our Heavenly Father. I know that the priesthood, the priesthood that was on earth when Christ was here, has been restored through modern day prophets. The priesthood has saved me, I am here because of the priesthood blessing I received, as i laid dying, by my father. I know that the Holy Spirit is with us, that we may feel Heavenly Fathers love here on earth. I know that we will be reunited with those we have lost when we leave this earth...there is life after death. I could go on and on with my testimony but I will close with this... we are loved. We are worthy. We are so very special, each and every one of us and Heavenly Father had created the way for us to return to Him.

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